Sunday, September 7, 2014

Grocery Shopping in Florence

I really recommend downloading the Duolingo app if you are trying to learn a language fast. It was about 3 months before I was supposed to leave and I realized that I did not know any Italian. I started doing lessons during commercials while watching TV and whenever I had free time. Pretty soon I was doing new Italian lessons instead of watching TV because I enjoyed doing them and learning way more than what I was watching.
Doing these lessons provided me with enough knowledge to go grocery shopping. Even though I cannot translate all of the words on the package, I know enough to buy the basic essentials.
Grocery shopping takes an extremely long time because everything is in a different language. (Well shopping in general takes a long time) I really only know what the app has taught me which isn’t very much but some is better than none. I can read basic things like: chicken, turkey, fish, beef, cheese, tomatoes, apples, grapes, eggs but after that…. I’m pretty much on my own. If we can’t tell what it is by just looking at it, my roommates and I just go by the pictures on the package.  If there are no pictures, we try to guess what it is by looking at surrounding items (depending on the aisle were in). This can work out well or go very wrong.
            I say this can go wrong because one of my roommates needed to buy laundry detergent and we didn’t know what words to look for on the bottle. But using our method of looking at the pictures on the bottle, we picked up the one that had the washing machine on it. She did laundry a couple of days later and thought it was strange when the “detergent” wasn’t making suds in her hands but she thought nothing of it. Soon after her load of clothes were done, (After 6 hours!) I decided to look up some of the words on the bottle. I typed “ammorbidente” into Google translator and found out it was fabric softener. We all had a good laugh at that one. (At least her clothes were semi clean, smelled good and very soft!!)

                                  Some random facts about the grocery store:
The first thing I noticed that was different when we were in the store was that they don’t refrigerate their eggs…. At. all. At this point in my trip, I’m not really sure why but when I find out I will let you know.

Peanut butter is really hard to find. It is almost 5 euros for one very small jar of Skippy’s peanut butter.

They don’t really use syrup here. The syrup that we did find was close to 8 euros and it was a small bottle (either 12 or 16 oz).  It was in a big supermarket that is comparable to Wal-Mart but it’s a 30-45 minute walk from our apartment.
Pancake/Waffle mix is not really available either.

Oatmeal is not really a thing here also. So if you really like oatmeal, I suggest you pack your own. (One of my roommate actually packed her own)